VO: Get ready for your semi-regular dose of random ideas from the guys at Codeelation. We like to talk about big ideas companies that are winning, and those that aren't along with current events in our crazy world of software startups. So come along with Erick and Josh, who challenge you to think big, start small and turn your ideas into something on this episode of, from idea to done.
Josh: Hey, I'm Josh.
Erick: and I'm Erick. And today we're actually going to do our first book review, and it's talking about the 100 Dollar Startup by Chris Guillebeau. [inaudible] Chris G if you're Googling this, I would just do the 100 Dollar Startup it's on Amazon. You'll find it. It's not, oh, Amazon. We didn't. Well, that's another episode, but, um, I actually, I don't read a ton and I read the books that you tell me to, and that's kind of it and
Josh: Is that cause I'm the boss or?
Erick: No, It's cause I learned by talking. And so this is kind of, this is how I'm going to learn about all of the books that you read. And so, so yeah. What is the problem? The ha the problem that Chris solves with this book,
Josh: It's illustrated and under on the inside of the front cover of the book, and there's a napkin drawn on it. It says start today, deposit money tomorrow. I think there's the, the idea that if I start the business, I'm going to start making, um, making money, but there's a disconnect between how that happens.
Erick: Okay. And so just going to, you know, small business, or like, who is this for, then
Josh: I'd say this is really good for anyone that has an early stage idea, but they don't know what to do next. They like the idea of, uh, working for themselves or launching a business or a product, but they don't have all the steps in place.
Erick: And you should probably make a plan before you're going to take that big leap
Josh: Definitely should make a plan, but, you know, in my world, that's spreadsheets and, and burn down charts and expense tables and all the stuff that normal human beings. Don't, don't talk
Erick: In that way. I have no idea what you just said. So that's kind of break this down and make it easier. And I think that's what this book does. Can you talk about some of the bigger takeaways as well?
Josh: Uh, one concept that still is applicable for me is start now, not later. I think there's this idea that you have to have the perfect thing in place to get something started. Why not just start and figure it out as you go, as
Erick: We talk into $20 microphones that we bought to start our little podcast here. And so I liked that takeaway.
Josh: Um, the, the next takeaway that I had is that there's no complex financials or a secret sauce to get started. There's a lot of really easy checklist to break down of like, first I need to do X, Y, Z tomorrow. I need to do some more things. So don't try to think about it as this monumental thing that you have to accomplish at once. You know, there's the saying that, you know, how do you eat an elephant? It's a bite at a time.
Erick: I had no idea and I that's on my list, but I could check it off. And I do a checklist every day. And that helps just kind of straighten things out and get you, give you a compass. And that's an interesting thing. And, and so what's the big, last takeaway from this book.
Josh: I think everyone thinks that if I just had the money more money for an office, more money for a team that it's going to solve all my problems. Chris shows you how you can get a bit, a business started quickly without a lot of money. I think the metrics they have in the book is that he talks to 1500, uh, different entrepreneurs that are making over $50,000 a year and usually put in hundreds of dollars to get it started. So this is actionable advice for anybody. That's trying to start a company.
Erick: There you go. That's the overall quick review of it. Thanks for making me not read this. I might actually pick it up. Um, do you have anything else Josh, or
Josh: I just wanted to say, thanks for listening. If you knew a startup that could use daily advice, have them subscribe on iTunes. Perfect. See you next time.
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